
Faculty&Schools SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Master's Supervisors

Master's Supervisors

Jixiao Liu (刘吉晓)
EMAIL:liujixiao@hebut.edu.cn; jixiao.tianjin@gmail.com.
1) Robotic E-skin system for human-robot interactions (Cooperating with UC Berkeley and Fudan University)

2) Micro-/Nano- manipulation robotics based on flexible gas-liquid interfaces (Cooperating with UC Berkeley and sHarbin Institute of Technology)
Representative academic achievements
1) Jixiao Liu, B. Li, T. Zhu, et al. Tunable microfluidic standing air bubbles and its application in acoustic microstreaming. Biomicrofluidics 13(3): 034114.

2) Jixiao Liu, N. Liu, K. Hashimoto, et al. Touch position identification based on a flexible array-less supercapacitive tactile sensor. AIP Advances 9(1): 015026.

3) Jixiao Liu, Songjing Li, Debkishore Mitra. Multiphysical phenomenon of air bubble growth in polydimethylsiloxane channel corners under microfluidic negative pressure-driven flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 91, 611-618.

4) Jixiao Liu, Hai Fu, Tianhang Yang, Songjing Li. Automatic sequential fluid handling with multilayer microfluidic sample isolated pumping. Biomicrofluidics 9, no. 5 (2015): 054118.

5) Jixiao Liu, and Luke P. Lee. "Soft State Porous Junctions Based Microfluidic Membrane Reactor." Biophysical Journal 106, no. 2 (2014): 419a.