
Faculty&Schools SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Master's Supervisors

Master's Supervisors

Bao-Jun Shi (史宝军)
1) Special Robots, including Construction Robot and Fire Robot

2) Robot Dynamics and Reliability

3) CAD/CAE and Optimization

4) Vibration and Shock

5) Computational Fluid Dynamics

6) Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) and Composite Materials
Representative academic achievements
1) Coupled effects of surface roughness and accommodation coefficient for ultra-thin gas film lubrication. IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 2018

2) Effects of disk surface roughness on static flying characteristics of air bearing slider by using a combined method of Reynolds equation and rough disk surface. Microsystem Technologies, 2016

3) Modified least square finite difference method for solving the gas film lubrication equation in the head/disk interface. Computational Mechanics, 2013

4) Simplified Reynolds equation with linearized flow rate for ultra-thin gas film lubrication in hard disk drives. Microsystem Technologies, 2010

5) Drop test simulation and power spectrum analysis of a head actuator assembly in a hard disk drive. Int. J. Impact Engng. 2007