
Faculty&Schools SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT Master's Supervisors

Master's Supervisors

Liwen Chen (陈立文)
1) Technology economy and investment decision

2) Project management and risk control

3) Financial engineering and risk management
Representative academic achievements
1) Liwen Chen, Guangping Liu, et al. Research on housing security and supply system [M] (Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2019), 2.

2) Liwen Chen, Guangping Liu, Theory and method of some real estate problems [M] (Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2015), 5.

3) Qinying Fang, Liwen Chen, “Understanding the Role of Jianli in China:Practice Perspective” [J], Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 2019, 145(3):05019004-9. (SCI)

4) Lin Zhang, Liwen Chen, Zezhou Wu,et al. “Key Factors Affecting Informed Consumers’Willingness to Pay for Green Housing:A Case Study of Jinan,China”[J], Sustainability, 2018, 10(6):1711-1-16. (SCI/SSCI)

5) Liwen Chen, “A Risk-Benefit Analysis Model for Project Investment Based on the Normal Distribution” [J], Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 2012, 2(2):146-154.